
An international Peace and Reconciliation project proposal.

Skøyen Rotary Club launched in 1993 a project to bring students from Israel and the Palestinian territories to Norway in order for them to attend a six week program at the International Summer School (ISS) of the University in Oslo - Petter (Rasch) (05.10.2007)

The ISS program centres on academic achievement and international goodwill.

The selected students were also guest of individual Rotarians during some of the weekends while in Norway. It started we two students in 1994 and subsequently a dozen students each year, in equal numbers, i.e. six Israelis and six Palestinians, six girls and six boys. The project was financed by participating Rotary Clubs, Rotary District 2310, and the Department of Foreign Affairs of Norway. The political development in the Middle East brought the project to a halt in 2001.

The idea of developing a similar project in the region which once was called Yugoslavia, is on the agenda.

ISS already has some experience with students from that region, and our idea of promoting, organizing and financing a project is welcomed by the University.

A scholarship for each student is estimated to amount to about € 4,500. This sum includes travelling to Norway and return, pocket money for the students, fees to the University, and accommodation in Norway.

It also includes a five day program at the Nansen Academy at Lillehammer (NAL) ahead of the ISS program. NAL is specializing in “dialogue as an effective tool for reconciliation and peace building in deeply divided regions”.

(From left: President of Rotary Club Zagreb, Petter J. Rasch, Tony Hilscher, DG of RD1910)

On the assumption that the project team (to be formed by cooperating Rotary Clubs) can generate sponsorship (up to 80%) from other sources, it is expected that individual participating Rotary clubs will share the balance of 20 % of project costs.

Petter J. Rasch
Member of International Committee
in Skøyen Rotary Club
Previously project coordinator of
the Shalom-Salam project.

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Sosiale medier


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