
ONLINE MØTE: "Investment opportunities in Indonesia"

Todung Mulya Lubis, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Norway, gave a detailed presentation on Investment opportunities in Indonesia.

Currently serving as Ambassador of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Iceland since 2018, Todung Mulya Lubis is a respected Indonesian lawyer, human rights activist and the founder of the Lubis Santosa & Maramis law firm.

Prior to being appointed as Ambassador, he also served as Chair of the Indonesian Crisis Group (ICG) International Foundation; Chairperson of the Indonesian Registered Patent Consultant Association; Chairperson of the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) Ethical Council; and the International Arbitrator Chamber of Commerce (ICC), France. He is also a law professor in the University of Melbourne.

Mr. Lubis talked about investment opportunities in Indonesia, a country that is rich in natural resources, has a big population and a rising middle class. In addition, investments in Indonesia would eventually open other opportunities in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). And when you talk about ASEAN, you talk about 600 million people, about 120 times the Norwegian population.

If Norway wants to spread out its ideology of welfare, SDGs and sustainability, Indonesia would be an ideal place to begin. There are challenges, but there are also opportunities.

See the whole presentation her

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Sosiale medier


Møtested: Schafteløkken
Adresse: Zahlkasserer Schafts plass 1
Postnummer: 0267
Sted: Oslo
Land: NO
Møtedag: Onsdag
Møtetid: 17:30
Møtespråk: no
Møtedetaljer: Dørene åpnes kl. 17:00 - møtetid kl. 17:30 til 18:30.

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